i dont wanna see “if you’re not a lesbian or trans/enby you dont get to have an opinion on hesbians/theysbians” i am a bisexual woman and i am OUTRAGED that my lesbian (she/her) sisters are having to coin a new term (vixenamoric) for lesbian because lesbian became invaded.
I WILL ALWAYS STAND WITH MY LESBIAN SISTERS. if i were a lesbian i would be outraged by the amount of people who are invalidating lesbians in the community. THIS IS SUPPOSED TO BE YALLS SAFE TERM. DONT GIVE UP ON SUCH A BEAUTIFUL WORD. THIS ISN’T RIGHT, YOU SHOULDN’T GIVE UP!!
I made this account to show that not only lesbians and trans men are against hesbians. you shouldn’t be fighting this alone. BISEXUALS AGAINST HESBIANS!!
You can follow @frickhesbians.
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