Not having kids isn't a "privilege" that requires me to concede anything whatsoever to people who chose to have kids. Parenting has burdens? Yeah. No shit. Choosing not to have kids does have real life implications, and it is ignorant to act like it doesn't.
I decided long ago that I didn't want kids. Know what? That means I can only seriously date men who also don't want kids. Know what that does to my dating pool? My choice does affect me. And that's ok. I'm not on The Tweet twice a week bitching about it.
Also, as a single woman in my 40's with no kids I am constantly forced to reschedule, reconsider, and make changes to my life to accommodate people with kids.
People who choose to not have kids do not need to explain it to you, apologize for it, nor do we have to give up parts of the single life we deliberately chose and built solely to help you out because you decided to be parent.
Be a parent! Rock out! Three of my brothers have kids and that is great! I think people who want kids having kids is wonderful. Why is it that if I can express that for people with kids, so many people with kids have nothing but shade and bullshit for my choice to not have them?
Or for my desire to go ahead and live the life I have chosen without children without being told that I am somehow selfish. I do not OWE THE WORLD children. Do you know how fucking misogynistic that is to even consider saying?
When was the last time as person with kids had to get a babysitter because the single person had plans and couldn't do their own work, so the boss asked you to do it for them?
And the final thing I will say on this thread today is this: I chose not to have kids in part because I didn't want the burdens of it. If you chose to have kids you chose your burdens. You are not entitled to require me to be equally burdened. My life is less encumbered. So what?
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