Cancel Culture is toxic af. "Cancelling" someone solves nothing and is a waste of time and energy
It only spreads hate for no reason whatsoever. When the person you try to cancel get depressed you play like you had no part in it. It makes you worse than the ppl you cancel
for example with Skye Jackson, she ruins kids lives with her false sense of 'justice'. Honestly ppl like her who ruin lives and family should be thrown in jail for her carelessness and arrogance.
Ppl who cancel are as worse as the police. You can't be judge, jury and executioner. Don't you see the irony? If you really do try to cancel ppl please reconsider what or how your actions affects ppl
I feel this should be common sense, as this thread comes from an immature 14y old. Cancellation is not justice. Thinking that it is, is very Childish
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