Youth in my small conservative town have organized a BLM march. Churches in my town are using the Marxism of the BLM global network as a reason not to support these kids.

These kids are trying to do something important to them, and have zero connection to the organization.
The constant purity testing the church requires before it can get involved with secular movement is the reason we do so little of any earthly good, and are so disconnected from the culture and viewed with suspicion.
If we really want to follow in Jesus' footsteps, we get behind marginalized people without a care about how any association taints our movement or how associating with "sinners" (however we choose to define them) may make us "look bad."
It grieves me that the message most young people unintentionally hear from the church is:

"All that matters is that you have the right beliefs, the right morals, and go to heaven when you die. Your tendency toward activism is a problematic distraction."
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