I’m ngl whenever people post property prices on this app (and people do it often) it just triggers me. Those deposit prices make my eyes water... in what WORLD will I have £40k lying around to pay for a deposit for a house? Even half of that is still A LOT of money
People like to act like they’re millionaires on this app but let’s be real for a second. I have an average job that pays an average salary and I also rent a flat and pay bills... I’m not saving that deposit money any time soon...
We’re being fucked by the London housing market so severely and instead of questioning why people are being priced out of a basic human right, we’re berating each other for spending 13 fucking pounds and buying a venti macchiato from Starbucks like wtf
I don’t think people realise how deep it is... 40 thousand pounds is a LOT OF MONEY. I’ll be saving £13 a day for the rest of my fucking life the way things are going...
And bear in mind guys I’m in a relationship and my boyfriend is also earning the same as me, and it’s still bleak. Imagine what people who are single are going through...
I’m sorry but I’m not into the idea of living with my mum and dad till I’m 39 just so that I can buy a dilapidated house in Eltham that I have to make mortgage payments on until I’m 70... we need socialism and we need it NOW. This government is really trying to kill us
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