5 stories from the Mahabharata, that inspired me.

A thread.

The princes are told to shoot the eye of a wooden bird that's placed on a tree.

All the princes describe what they see, before they take their shot. They describe their surroundings.

Only one prince describes JUST the eye. And hits the target. He was Arjuna.

Moral : Focus.

2 rivals - Arjuna & Duryodhana are asked by Krishna (Avatar of God) to choose between an ARMY or just HIM alone.

Arjuna goes 1st and instantly selects Krishna.

Duryodhana is ecstatic when he gets to choose the army. He eventually loses the war

Moral : Victory is in God.

Karna is considered the GREATEST warrior amongst all.

He is known for his nobility.

But he sides with the "evil" clan due to past promises.

He is killed by Arjuna in the war. His side loses.

Moral : Your actions will decide your fate more than your character ever can.

On the battlefield, Arjuna is concerned about BATTLING his own family. He thinks it's bad karma.

Krishna orders him to attack the more "evil" part of the family with a sense of DUTY.

Moral : Sinning is a sin. But witnessing a sin without taking action is a greater sin.

The 5 main heroes represent characteristics of the perfect human :

Yudishthir : Ethics.
Bheem : Mental & physical strength.
Arjuna : Focussed ambition.
Nakul : Charm.
Sahadev : Tolerance.

Their wife Draupadi represents FAITH.

Moral : Perfection is nothing without humility.
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