When I find myself having the same chat with a couple of different friends, I figure it's time to shout the advice publicly in case it's a pattern.

So, if you're super lockdown stressed, listen up.
I spent much of my twenties and all of my thirties improving my cope with increasing chronic pain and slowly healing PTSD so I *know* where your sanity will be found here.

It's all about boundaries and control.
If you're buckling and in danger of losing your mind or your temper, you need with urgency to make some personal space.

It can be super small. But it has to be for you.
One small space that you have control over, that you can return to, will save you.

Get it clean and try to keep it that way. Plants are a bonus. Music is another one. A way of changing the air - I like incense but YMMV - is also great.
This is why men had sheds. Personal space is critical.

Especially if you're stuck in the house with other people with whom familiarity has long since sowed the seeds of contempt in any way.
The next thing when you've got your own space is to tone up that parasympathetic nervous system.

The stress that's held in your body will wreck your head, so rather than try to figure anything out, focus on getting your breath deep inside you, along with some water. Be safe.
Mutuals, DM me if you're struggling and I'll do some emotional lifting with you just as soon as I'm in a state to (which lately is a lot of the time to be fair).

We got this, we're getting through this.
I'm hearing "but that's going to take so long around the other things I have to do" and ok..

but the point is that the slow taking control of the space is *part of the process* and therapeutic in its own right.
It's universal stuff. That's why the serenity prayer is so popular.

There is SO MUCH that is outside your control this last few months.

Some of you need to take baby steps to controlling *something* just to get yourself back on the ground.
So. Pick a corner and put a curtain round it. Pop open a loft hatch. Clear out a shed. Just get your OWN space.
You can follow @MogTheConfessor.
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