Future predictions for apocalypse, a thread
(2020)Jeane Dixon:-Dixon predicted that Armageddon would take place in 2020. She previously predicted the world would end on February 4, 1962.
(2021)F. Kenton Beshore:-This American pastor bases his prediction on the prior suggestion that Jesus would return in 1988, i.e., within one biblical generation (40 years) of the founding of Israel in 1948. Beshore argues that the prediction was correct, but that the definition -
of a biblical generation was incorrect and was actually 70–80 years, placing the second coming of Jesus between 2018 and 2028 and the rapture by 2021 at the latest.
(2026)Messiah Foundation International:-This spiritual organization predicts that the world will end in 2026, when an asteroid collides with Earth in accordance with Riaz Ahmed Gohar Shahi's predictions in his book The Religion of God.
(2028)Kent Hovind:-While clarifying there is no way to be certain, this Christian fundamentalist speculates 2028 as the "most likely" date for the rapture.
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