✨ I made Fiona Gallagher on The Sims 4: A Thread.✨
She moved away from the Gallagher house and is now living in a two story, three bedroom house with 2 roommates. Here they are eating dinner together.
Here's Fiona watching TV while her future Girlfriend/Roommate is staring at her from behind lmaoooo
Fiona went to the gym and saw her Roommate Nalani there, She has a crush on her and is trying to flirt but is failing. Also her working out outfit is cute af.
Here's Fiona having a late night swim, she's still hot af even as a sim lmao
She went for a late night jog, had to clear her mind. One of her roommates were pissing her off so she left before she punched her in the face 😂
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