LGBTQ+ Conversion therapy should, without a doubt, be illegal. I don't understand how this is even still up for debate.

Tell the UK Government that you want conversion therapy to be made illegal. It should not exist.
Conversion therapy uses physical pain and emotional abuse to bully people into feeling ashamed of who they are, and suppressing who they are.

The practice doesn't change who someone is, it just makes them hate themselves so much they'll suppress their identity to survive.
People who undergo conversion therapy have highly elevated rates of suicide attempts vs the general population. It's easy to see why. If you make a child hate themselves so much they become someone else, that level of self hatred can be fatal.

Make Conversion Therapy Illegal.
Also, mirroring things said in replies to this thread, the name "Conversion Therapy" and its use of the word therapy is disingenuous.

It's not therapeutic, it's forcibly administered, no matter the wishes of the individual.

It's Forced Conversion. Make that clear.
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