Cancers are one of the personal signs which are the “infants” when it comes to spiritual evolution. They’re naturally very selfish and only see things from a one sided perspective (how things effect them) until they learn to take others into consideration.
Cancers also have a lot of trauma centered around the lack of nurturing received in their childhood which makes them callous until they begin to heal
Y’all do have to understand that not doing things for people isn’t the only way you can selfish. What I SAID was it’s hard to see how things effect others outside of yourself. Y’all have a weak point in CONSIDERING how your actions, words emotions will effect other people.
Also, when thinking of CONSEQUENCES you guys don’t think of how other people could be hurting too if you’re hurting or want to do things. Y’all natural reaction is to PROTECT yourself first. You have to LEARN how to put that defense down and be more empathic. I stand by this.
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