Some people only want to hear thoughts that are one hundred percent in agreement with them; I'm not one of those people. If you want an echo chamber, follow someone else. I follow my own path as all people should. I'm unafraid to think for myself & challenge my ideas and others.
A big problem with our society is that too many people are unwilling to have their ideas and positions challenged. Stand on the merit and logic of your thoughts/ideas and defend them. I'm not interested in emotional hyperbole, which has been the demise of civil society.
A place for debate means no man or woman is above fair, but critical reproach. If you have to result in emotional attacks to defend your positions, you've already lost, and the humor of it all, at least to me, is that most don't even realize it.
And no, you're not entitled to your ”own” facts, and the truth is indiscriminate.
You can follow @Shermichael_.
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