THREAD: Been seeing so many lovely tweets about people finishing their degrees with the grades they wanted - kudos to all of you because you did put in all the work 👏🏽
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But this thread is aimed at all the people who didn’t get the grades that they wanted or are unsure if they really want to go to university...
For the people who didn’t get the grades they wanted.. please remember you did try your best, and it doesn’t mean you’re any less than people who achieved a higher grade..
For the people who are unsure about going to university.. don’t rush your decision, there are great advantages of going to university but you don’t always need university unless you want to go into a specialist career (eg. doctor, lawyer etc) &
If you do choose to go to university, please choose something that you’re passionate about or something you know you’ll work for - if you don’t know what that is then take a year or 2 out and go into work - it may help you figure out what you want to do
University is no joke - you’re paying a fortune to educate yourself, and you’ve got to be willing to put in all the hard work over the 3-7 years (depending on what degree you choose to do)
Not going to university isn’t the end of the world either, a lot of companies look at you as an individual and look for what assets you can bring to a business
And I’d also like to add, for the people who are thinking of dropping out - this isn’t the end of the world either - you might have a change of heart and realise this isn’t the career path you want to go down - take your time to decide
A lot of people feel pressure by society and having to achieve things within a certain time frame - please do not conform to this - I understand that you have your own goals set in your head, but you cannot put a time from on it
You can always go back to university later on in life - at any age - please remember that!
I speak from experience.. I dropped out of university 4 years ago.. everything I had ever studied was bio-science based - I was studying Biological Sciences at university and wanted to go into Bio-med and then Medicine
During the degree, I really did enjoy science... but looking long term and at the career prospects.. I realised I didn’t really want any of the careers that it lead to.. all the things I wanted to do and was passionate about, I didn’t need a degree for
Dropping out of university was the best thing I could have ever done, but don’t get me wrong, I have had to work hard to get to where I am right now - just like you would have to for anything you want to be successful in
Dropping out of university meant I wasn’t pressuring myself to the “norm” or what my parents expected - my parents weren’t too happy when I dropped out but seeing me in such a happy mental state means more to them than a degree in my hand
The point I’m trying to make is.. follow your passion... you might not even know what that is yet until you try things.. I tried university and figured out that it wasn’t for me.. you don’t need to conform to society’s “norm” .. everyone’s life is different
I have friends that are getting married, I have friends that are finishing uni and just at the start of their career, I have friends that have investments/businesses and are very successful and we’re all similar ages ... we all have DIFFERENT life paths 💓
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