i literally hate online lgbt+ discourse. i literally hate it. it fucking infuriates me. stop talking about it. shut up. please. oh my god. for once. please.
i don’t think the concept of lgbt+ “discourse” is inherently bad, i think it’s good that we have important conversations and explore our identities as a community, but holy shit. it’s all you ever DO.
idk man. i wish i heard as much about the wonderful things about being lgbt+ as much as i do about disagreements within the community. there was a time where i did. but it doesn’t feel like that any more. maybe it’s just pride month (ironically enough) but being +
lgbt+ online is getting exhausting. it IS exhausting. the internet used to be a means of escape for me, a way for me to express myself without fear of any real harm, and it still is to a certain degree, but it’s so upsetting to see us fighting with each other over trivial things.
and again, that whole “why can’t we all just get along” thing is a utopian and childish concept in reality. we have to talk about the labels we use, the people we idolize, how our history ties into it all. our discussions, even our heated ones, are important.
but please, for the love of all that is good and holy, stop putting energy into random transphobes on the internet. imagine if you put that energy into uplifting trans people. stop giving bigots the attention they want and give it to the people they’re trying to hide away.
i’m a he/him lesbian. not gonna lie, i question the validity of that label often. i wonder if i am a lesbian, if it is he/him pronouns i prefer, amongst a great many other things. and i log online, the only place i would ever have the balls to come out as such, and my timeline +
is filled to the brim with qrts of people shitting on he/him lesbians. okay. i don’t care about them. there will always be people who cling onto the bliss of ignorance. always. stop giving them attention. you do nothing. you change nobody’s minds and you exhaust the witnesses.
if i saw a tweet as simple as “he/him lesbians are pretty neat!” for every time i saw a qrt that said “pronouns don’t always equal gender you fucking cuck” i can only assume i would feel loads better about my labels, my identity, and myself.
it’s a cliche but it’s absolutely true when i say that positivity will always be more powerful than negativity. just block and move on. that’s the glory of the internet. you’re not obligated to fight. this is the one place you can really truly mind your own damn business.
this especially goes out to people who often engage in discourse about communities they don’t belong to. i see a lot of non-hesbian friends defending hesbians, and don’t get me wrong, i very much appreciate it and it brings me joy. but all i see is the hatred of our enemies. +
what about love for us? i keep saying it but seriously. channel that energy into something nicer. something that will cheer the people you’re defending up, not something that will wear them down. your allyship doesn’t have to be defined by anger. love goes a long way.
anyway i’m going to bed now. didn’t mean to vent on main. might add to this thread in the morning because it’s important. goodnight for now friends
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