In an unconscious bias and anti-racism workshop yesterday someone asked me a great question: How do I know as a white person that I am being a good ally & not getting it wrong? I would say that first, it is ok to get things wrong. The cancel culture means that people are wary 1/
of putting one foot wrong. We are all learning and making mistakes, and then learning from them. I would say:
1. It is important that in being a good ally, we don't centre ourselves. We can support & enable those who are marginalised but not be their voice as that dehumanises 2/
them further.
2. Acknowledge white privilege. Not acknowledging is really the first sign of it. Accept that it gives you some opportunities that others might not have. Think about how you can use this privilege to give a nudge to those who are carrying the burden of racism 3/
3. Put the black and non-black PoC forward for opportunities. Recommend them for talks, workshops, panels, writing commissions. We know that there is a huge disparity in who gets these opportunities & we all operate on our confirmation and affinity biases, recommending friends 4/
and those in our immediate network for things and to other people. We can break out of these biases and look beyond our echo chambers.
4. Speak up if we see any implicit racism & racist language around us. Show them that it is not ok. Focus on the impact of these actions more 5/
than intentionality. People can be racist without meaning to, and their words and actions while being a product of systemic racism can reinforce existing racism in our society.
5. Don't always expect the PoC to do the work and educate. It is your responsibility to learn. 6/
I might put this in a document at some point and share, but finally, in being a good ally, examine your intentions, and if there is a hint of being a white saviour in any way. Allyship might put you out of your comfort zone but no change happens without discomfort. 7/7
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