In April 2018 I visited NYC for a week. I didn’t see anything plays my previous visit but I really wanted to remedy that this time around. A friend of mine had free tickets to a musical at the Public for something new. And then I booked @LesserGodBway because...Pacey.
My first night I saw the show at the Public. It was awful. The leads were amazing but it was a big old mess. The second night I went to see COALG and right from the start I realised I was in for a treat - @vancityjax & @LaurenRidloff were incredible. And then it was intermission.
It was freezing in the theatre so I stood to put my coat on. I whipped the woman next to me across the face w my coat sleeve. I was immediately apologetic & we started talking. She recognised my Australian accent straight away (ppl are most often wrong) & asked why I was in town.
She asked what I did – and I talked about creating opportunities for teen voice and perspective in the literary arts. She also asked if I was seeing much while in town. I said I would have liked to have seen more but $$$ but I had seen a show at the Public.
A show, it turns out, she had also seen. It was so bad that we bonded over the experience. The previous week she had seen an incredible show with Hannah in it. She was from Australia too. Did I know her? YES.
@hannahgadsby is a genius & I had just seen Nanette back in Melbourne.
At this point, a VERY attractive blond man with amazing posture walked across the landing. He recognised her and jumped up the stairs to talk to her. They start chatting and it’s clear that they know each other really well.
She even introduces me to him – he’s an understudy in a major Broadway show (Kinky Boots). They’re talking about the lead feeling better etc At this point, I’ve twigged somewhat.
I turn to her & ask - Are you a big fucking deal? (Peak Australian.) She said no but her friend next to her is nodding. Turns out she’s a surgeon that cares for many of the Broadway actors. I am suitably impressed because she clearly had to work her ass off to be that successful.
We talk about teens and how they love Broadway, particularly Hamilton. That I had been asked by some of the teens I work with if I were seeing it. I explained that it’s in huge demand and not everyone can. I knew there was no chance coming to NYC so I had already made my peace.
She asked if I wanted to see it. I said, of course but that wouldn’t be happening this trip. And then she says, we can do something about that.

And then the curtain fell.

And I was honestly confused.
And then I got sucked back into the COALG and before I knew it the play was over. She turns to me and asks what I’d like to see? She lists @HamiltonMusical, @DearEvanHansen and Waitress, asks what nights I have free in NYC before I leave and asks for my contact details.
‘I am going to get you into all of them.’ I was reeling. At this point I’ve handed over my card & go immediately into sheepish Aust'n mode – it’s okay, I have no expectations, it’s very nice of you but you don’t have to etc. We say goodbye and I figure I will never hear from her.
Twenty-four hours later I receive an email. She’s got me a ticket for Hamilton on Saturday night and should have confirmation for Dear Evan Hansen soon. She couldn’t get me her normal friends of friends tickets so she bought me them.

At this point I am like:
I tell a few of my NYC based friends and none of them can process. They haven’t heard of this happening before. So, Friday night comes and I head to
@DearEvanHansen (holy heck it’s so freaking good) and pick up my ticket.
My seat is D row orchestra. I was in free fall. I was so close I would see the spit coming from @taytrensch’s mouth as he tore his heart from his chest and projected it through his incredible voice.
And then Sat night came. Honestly, I had no idea what to expect and nor was I allowing myself to have any expectations. I has seen Three Tall Women from the back row & it was an amazing experience. I pick up my ticket. G row orchestra on the inside aisle. I tear up immediately.
And that’s how I found myself taking this photo when I physically saw where my seat was in comparison to the stage.

My face doesn't know what to do with all the emotion. (Very @chrissyteigen...w/o the beauty or quick wit.)
And then spent the next 3 hours in rapt attention as the
@HamiltonMusical cast captivated the audience. Honestly, @lin_manuel, the hype is real. I recorded this during intermission – all I could do was giggle because I couldn’t process what was happening.
And this is me in a daze immediate afterward.

I emailed the surgeon afterward to say thank you once again, and asked her why she had been so generous. This was her response...
‘The world is so full of random acts of violence and hatred, we may as well throw in some random acts of kindness and love. And you seemed like the perfect person to receive it and send it forward. Music & theater can change the way we see the world, especially those two shows.’
And I wanted to share this experience because great art connected us. Thank you, Fairy Godmother, you gifted me three incredible experiences – Hamilton, Dear Evan Hansen and meeting you x

(And @VancityJax, you were the delightful catalyst. Thank you.)
And if you have the resources to support someone else to engage with the arts - do it! If you have resources to support many - how about supporting a class to attend a show? Or donate to a library for their teens to choose some books?

No matter the scale, you can do some good.
You can follow @snarkywench.
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