i swear to god. if i see one of u. saying jo jorgenson 2020. if i get even an inkling that u are voting 3rd party i will hold it against u for all of time. if u feel u must "vote your conscience" ask yourself why you are valuing your conscience over the possibility of more trump.
did you learn NOTHING from the 2016 election. do you understand what a plurality voting system is? do you know if you live in a swing state?
like HOW is it CONSCIONABLE for you to pave the way for a white supremacist/xenophobe/transphobe/rapist to rule this country for another four years??? how is that better than voting dem??? explain it to me. please.
ALSO!! the thought that i would vote for the libertarian party! i ain't forget how yall booed gary johnson in 2016 for saying he supported drivers licenses.
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