Does anyone actually know @EatSipPlayFun? I'm a little wary of all these anonymous "expats in Taiwan" type accounts seeking to become tourism ambassadors or whatever.
Wow, that didn't take long. They were compiling a list of Taiwan-related blogs so I inquired who's behind this account, or if anyone can vouch for them, and apparently that's enough for them to pack it in? Red flag 🚩
I don't even need to see anyone's ID, and it's OK to want to stay anonymous, but getting super defensive about someone merely inquiring and then rage-quitting is weird. If you wanna participate in a community that has experienced trolling and harassment try and meet them halfway.
OK, so he resurfaced, made a few angry comments and posted our private correspondence, I unblocked to initiate dialogue, but was blocked before I could say a word, those other tweets vanished, and... yeah. Just doing a routine alt account check, pal. Don't take it personally.
Ultimately this anonymous account blocked a bunch of others on this thread and went back to regular tweeting. Fair warning to #TaiwanTwitter: such fragility is somewhat suspicious, and you should be wary of interacting with whoever it is behind this account. #EatSipPlayBlock
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