The great 2020 OC rewatch has begun
Never forget Doug Liman directed this pilot
An iconic introduction
God damn still one of the best pilots ever
When China the horse has alopecia
“Hallelujah” is one of the most overused songs in film/tv but The OC uses is the best
The OC s1 ep3 posits the radical notion that in 2003 Star Wars was nerdier that X-Men
Two thoughts as I rewatch The OC for the first time since high school

1. This first season is miraculous, wonderful television

2. Getting rid of Anna and Luke is the worst mistake the show ever made. Worse than Oliver or Johnny
*lightning flashes outside the window*

He has arrived
When is 2003 fashion going to return?
I'm halfway through the Oliver arc and I've decided it would all be worth it if he turned out to be a serial killer
"You wanna come over later? I Tivo'd Leno"

Where is The OC's Emmy for best comedy
2004: a better, simpler time, when The OC was so influential that new Beastie Boys songs would premiere on it
Also: does Ryan being a poker genius ever come back? I totally forgot about this
Serious question: does The OC season 1 finale have the best end-of-episode-needle-drop-montage-where-we-see-all-the-characters-being-sad*?

*the official name of the trope
Anyway on to season 2
Cannot overstate the magnitude of watching a teen drama in 2004 where characters bond over Brian Bendis comics
Holy shit it’s the director of Booksmart
That time The Killers visited The OC to play Mr. Brightside and the show wasn’t even sold out
Fall 2004: when one episode of The OC featured a Killers guest appearance and premiered a new U2 single
The s2 Chrismukkah episode reveals that Lindsay has an Italian poster for Giant in her bedroom
Just discovered Zack from The OC is Jimmy Olsen who gets shot in the head in BVS

It’s kind of perfect he AND Adam Brody eventually made it into DC movies
I had zero memory of Jeffrey Dean Morgan being on The OC
Marissa is hanging out with Olivia Wilde whose ex-girlfriend is Sloane from Entourage and every character in this episode is always listening to Interpol. What a show
Cannot overstate how invested teenage me was in the “Seth writes a comic book” storyline
Got to the part where they go to the Wildstorm offices and now I miss early 2000s Wildstorm
I think the biggest problem with The OC (a show I love) is that every new supporting character ends up moving away so they’re forced to return to the same romantic pairings and character dynamics

Taylor is the obvious exception and gives the show new life
I wish it had built up a sense of a community where Luke, Anna, Lindsay, Zack, and Alex stuck around and interacted. Like Gilmore Girls had. Although I don’t know if that’s possible in a show with 6 lead characters
These are the thoughts that will still haunt me on my deathbed
Such a shame The OC never brought back the members of the comic book club. It’s like a mini Freaks & Geeks cast
The Champagne Supernova + Spider-Man scene on The OC is the greatest convergence of my interests in tv history
OC update: Amber Heard locked our heroes in the mall and now they’re crawling through an air vent
He has arrived
Put The OC’s breakfast cold opens in the Smithsonian
The OC did an episode about the crystal egg from Risky Business and used the Tangerine Dream this the best show ever
OC update: during a house party scene they played a Daft Punk song, followed immediately by “Daft Punk is Playing at My House”

Also Trey choke-slammed a water polo player
“He’s a marketing genius. We recruited him out of Fantagraphics.”
OC update: the boys are in Miami and Sandy Cohen just quoted ”Miami” by Will Smith WHILE the song is playing on the soundtrack
OC update: the nerds from the comic book club are back
George Lucas has come to the OC
Reminder that “Fix You” premiered in this episode and this scene is actually good in all the ways the Newsroom scene is terrible
Made it to The Scene
Obviously the Hide and Seek/Mm whatcha say music cue is iconic but what I forgot is that the first half of the song plays in the funeral scene at the start of the episode. So the song represents death and this moment is a reprise
I watched this when it aired and honestly forgot about the song until the SNL digital short happened years later. And now it’s the first thing people associate with The OC
Season 3 is gonna be a slog but at least Taylor Townsend is here
He’s here and I’m so mad already

The worst character in the entire series
The thing about season 3 is that Marissa having public school friends who are weird doppelgangers for the main cast is a great’s just that these characters suck
oh no Volchok is here
Season 3 is a drag but the revelation that Taylor Townsend is into ultraviolet yakuza films is an amazing development
Johnny is obviously the worst character on The OC but Chili might be the runner up. He’s like someone who auditioned for the role of Seth and got cut in the first round
Worst OC characters

1 Johnny
2 Chili
3 Oliver
4 Volchok
5 evil con artist Jeri Ryan
Apparently the guy who played Chili on The OC died in 2012

what the fuck
I just...hate much
Every character in season 3: “we gotta help Johnny, the pathetic kid we just met who broke his leg and is in love with Marissa and spends every episode moping in his house and telling everyone to leave him alone!”
Look at this fucking piece of shit who ruined Chrismukkah
Whenever I make this OC video I think I’ll need this shirt
A legend
Every time Marissa says “Johnny” it shaves a month off my life
One of these kids is about to die
Oh no Seth’s stoner phase has begun
14 years later I’m still furious at Seth Cohen for fucking up his college applications
Folks it’s been a rough 14 episodes (and the rest of this season still isn’t great) but the worst part of The OC is finally behind us
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