For parents of white kids, here's a couple books your kids are going to be told they need to read:

How to Win Friends & Influence People
The 48 Laws of Power

Both are trash and written by con artists.
Instead give them books written by neurologists about strategic thinking, critical thinking, and learning methods.

Wired For Thought, and Learning How to Learn
Teach them the scientific method early, give them workbooks that introduce them to planning and daily schedulekeeping

Reward them with all the cool fiction they want
Get books on probability and statistics. When their understanding of the subject matter is sophisticated enough, get a copy of Algorithms to Live By
As teens they'll need practice with self discipline.

I haven't reviewed it myself but The Science of Self Discipline has solid reviews specifically on that topic, and also draws from neurology.
Lastly, as they're getting their first jobs: financial management.

I don't have any good recommendations here because all my stuff is old &outdated for the reality that is half the world is working temp/gig jobs. But at this point you should be able to do the shopping yourself.
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