@Hobby_Connect So I have to give a monster shout out to someone in our hobby who I think is someone a lot of us could stand to learn a hell of a lot from. @IT_guy8706 and his son Parker are 2 of the most awesome people ever, let alone in the hobby. Everything they've been 1/
doing to help spread and teach kids and the younger generation of people in our hobby about kindness and compassion and just doing things for people, just simply to do it. Without expectation of something in return is just purely awesome. Today I received a RAK from them. I /2
knew part of it was coming, they helped me add a bunch of vintage Phillies cards to my collection. What I was unaware of was that he slipped a little surprise in as well. I'm a big hockey fan, Philadelphia Flyers. They had a printing plate that I thought would be awesome /3
to add to my PC so I said I would save a little to get it and help Parker on his way to adding to his own PC. Well, here I am opening these awesome cards and what's wrapped up in the back?? The damn printing plate!!! Now, I know its no monster card, but to me it is and the /4
gesture is just amazing. Its doubly awesome for me because this is my first ever 1/1 in my 15 years of collecting and I love this story I'm going to have to go with it. Garret, you are one of a kind my friend. You could say, you are 1/1 *zing* and Parker, you're going to /5
be getting something awesome in return. I'm not sure what and I'm not sure when, but it's coming. I LOVE THIS HOBBY FAMILY!!

Give this guy and his kid a follow already!! @IT_guy8706 Let's make this hobby great together!

#TheHobby #RAK #LiSiGi /6
@MRJIMMYBRO @midwestboxbreak lets get this shared and out there. These 2 need more exposure and my following is still small. My topps messed up order tweet had 20 interactions in 30 minutes. We need to get people going on the good in the hobby more than the bad!!!
You can follow @ChandlerMBing13.
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