The problem, as I see it after working in media for a couple decades and tech too, is that media has gotten it wrong when it comes to tech just enough times to lose tech’s trust. Why?
Because many media people see tech for its effect on their work — without stopping to think about the (many) other businesses and (global) communities that use that tech in very different ways.
And that means that when the tech press reports on the very real negative consequences of social media, the rest of media gloms onto those stories. They become the big stories.
So the tech companies themselves, see these deeply reported disaster scenarios as what the tech reporters *do*
(That and puff pieces written off the press release about shiny startups, which founders gleefully share, and reporters tout as scoops?)
I have exactly zero answers I know how to execute on. But...
Stop joking that @TaylorLorenz is writing about what “the kids do.” Read her reporting on culture and praise it publicly. Her work is actually the type of tech writing we should want to see more of in the world.
And stop blaming everyone at the tech companies for the shitty things they do. Because we all know media companies and leaders do shitty things, but there are smart people at the heart of those organizations.
That said, the tech cos need to start listening to some of those smart people. Stop sticking ”words people” into partnerships or comms, functions that don’t get enough access to product teams and can’t make real impact on what gets built.
Stop having policy teams work on policy programs without building product features to support them.
And start listening to those in UX and product disciplines who came from liberal arts colleges, media, academia.... Give those folks ways to influence strategy — and pls don’t be surprised when they are “almost doing the role of a PM!”
It should also go without saying, but tech needs to build products for individual communities and the stress cases, not the best case scenarios. (If they do not know how, hiring @lizperle is a start)
So journos: do the work. Be relentless in your reporting, not just to find what’s wrong and scary. Use those same skills to report on the world. Because in 2020, tech is very much our world.
And everyone in tech: Read beyond the business section. You will certainly learn more about the people you say you are building for. I’d like to think you’ll also respect us “words people” more too.
You can follow @farahlearned.
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