Reaction thread to persona 1 cause I’m too lazy to post screenshots lol
What’s a good difficulty?
Eh I’m gonna do normal
H i m
Okay mad props to atlus for using the original artwork for the portraits and not the weird renders I’ve seen
That sounds like an iffy play ngl
We don’t talk about that
I’m getting Reiji on my team btw, I like how you can hear about him messing around lol
He’s just standing there...
Find it interesting how Eriko is caught up in what her persona is, it’s something I don’t think I really see a lot in the later games
Reiji is REALLY specific to get as an optional party member but it makes sense, the guy clearly seems to have problems fitting in. I like him so far lol
The opening hour of this game is like a better version of P2 IS’s in my opinion, you have optional stuff you can do or you can just go outside and progress the story
Should I be spamming spells in this? I feel like it’s the same as P2 IS where I just focused on ranking up personas lol
This is integral to this thread
So the cursor moves counterclockwise so I guess the protag is law aligned
Hm I wonder why you needed a rapier
Most likely to be an SMT fan
I actually don’t know if I want to stay and do the snow queen quest or do the sebec quest
This thread is gonna be sebec (I’m gonna try and get the good ending) and snow queen.
Hm he looks familiar
Forgot to post this but I like how this was brought back up as a major aspect of P3
oh hey it’s this greedy fairy
Secret... POLICE?!
Demon at the start of battle: *wants to speak to me*

Me: *answers*

Game: *crashes*
I’m at the sebec building and I think I forgot to get Reiji? I declined everyone who wanted to join me you’re telling me all I have to do for the protag is dump stats into Dexterity and I can increase everything?
I’m not using a guide for stat builds btw but damn this game’s combat is broken
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