Wokeness, also called Social Justice, has now taken over the education system and is actively seeking to politicize education. Let's look at how deep the rot goes.
The first thing we must understand is that this is going on in the colleges of education where school teachers are trained. There, academics publish papers that claim teachers ought to push fringe Social Justice politics in the classroom let me show just how widespread it is.
Paulo Freire was a Neo-Marxist educator and who believed education could not be divorced from politics; the act of teaching and learning are considered political acts in and of themselves. Henry Giroux used Freire's work to create what he called Critical Pedagodgy:
According to Joe Kincheloe's book "Critical Pedagogy Primer," Giroux and Freire were central in the development of Critical pedagogy Friere's work beginning in 1970 and Giroux adding postmodernism to the mix in the 80's. But it's just 2 guys....right? (lol)
At this point we need to know Academic influence can be measured in "citations." A citation is when an academic uses or "cites" another academics work. The more citations you have, the more people are using your work. So how influential are Paulo Freire and Henry Giroux?
6/ So let's compare them to other well known Scholars for some context:
Jordan Peterson has 13,381 citations
Isaac Newton has 27,143
Albert Einstein has 131,459
Richard Dawkins has 88,079
Charles Darwin Has 184,507

Paulo Freire has.....411,980.
Freire, who tried to push fringe politics in elementary schools is cited more than Charles Darwin (who discovered evolution) and Albert Einstein (who discovered the theory of relativity) COMBINED.

Giroux, by the way, has 110,806 citations: 10 times what Jordan Peterson has
So this stuff is HUGELY influential.
It is absolutely everywhere in education colleges and they aren't even trying to hide it. Which is how we get all of this showing up in the education system:
Some people think "well that's just in and gender studies and stuff like that."

That's wrong. It's in everything, including Math:
Just so we can see how deep this goes, I would like you meet Rochelle Gutierrez. According to her bio she thinks math teachers need political knowledge to engage in "creative insubordination" so they can teach their race politics to students
Dr. Gutierrez teaches that:
Math is steeped in white supremacy and domination, that thinking math solves things is a fallacy, and that the curriculum in schools need to be changed to reflect this.
She also admits she isn't trying to get closer to truth, and she thinks that part of math is, and this is not a joke, trying to appreciate how we relate to the patterns of bird song.
In the process of doing so she backs up her argument by citing....herself.
Now, the question is, why doesn't she care about getting closer to truth? well the answer is that Gutierrez and Giroux and the rest of these theorists have all accepted POSTMODERNISM
(one day we will talk about how this works with Marxism but that day is not today)
Postmodernism is a big topic, but one thing postmoderns think is that getting objective knowledge is not possible. They deny reason can be used to find objective truth. Giroux says this explicitly in his book "Border Crossings: Cultural Workers and the Politics of Education"
And this is how we end up with papers saying we need to teach Queer sexuality in math class so 5th graders challenge the hegemonic structure of marriage by considering the intersectionality of sexuality and gender while offering an alternative reality. Again, not a joke:
I know that I included a meme and we all might have a laugh at some of this...that none of this is the least bit funny. These people are actually teaching our children that there is no objective truth, that marriage is sexist and that Math is racist and can't solve anything.
What's worse, there are almost no academics or politicians willing to stand up to any of these people.

That is cowardice.

If we want this to stop we are going to have to do it ourselves. We MUST stand up and say "NO," and not budge.

Nobody is going to do it for us.

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