I am a perpetual fan of the classical process of deciding how humans are special in science fiction games.
Humans are unbreakable. Unlike the rest of the universe, they have incredible powers of regeneration. They have the most robust immune systems, heal in weeks, and their bones can even knit. Their minds are also far more resilient to trauma than anything else.
Humans are hypersocial beings who instinctively create huge, interdependent networks of humans an even non-human members. They are practically a hive mind and cooperate incredibly well. They even have non-sentient pack members.
Humans are terrifying monsters who breath corrosive gasses and leak the brutal solvent dihydrogen monoxide when they are injured. They are walking poison.
Humans are incredibly independent and innovative. If you leave a human alone in a forest without tools, you will come back the next day to see they have somehow built a shelter, a fire, and have cooked up some indigenous beasts. They can function in isolation for weeks at a time.
Humans are incredibly long-lived compared to the rest of the universe. Their incredible lifespans are supplemented by extended kinship structures and an ability to record life experiences in a semi-permanent fashion which renders them practically immortal.
Humans are incredibly bizarre and beyond the understanding of other sentient species. They are the only species with religion and spirituality which has granted them strange insights into the universe. They have great emotional resilience and can overcome nearly any obstacle.
Humans are the most genetically diverse species in the galaxy which renders them capable of adapting to nearly any environment or resisting disease. Their short lifespans and high reproduction rate means they can colonize planets in mere centuries.
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