The reason the US police look like an occupying force is because they are one. The US is also a settler colony and its institutions of order are necessarily occupying forces against colonized Black and native populations.
When they talk about how the NYPD amped up islamophobic violences post 9/11 based in part from studying settler rule in Palestine that is absolutely on point and true. Very little else is in this segment. It's kinda incoherent tbh
The segment positions Israeli aggression against Palestinians with tear gas and flash bangs as inspiring similar tactics by US cops. But then says they were all made in the US which (accurately) points to transfer in the other direction.
The US deployed tear gas against Black people in Detroit in 1943, 4 years before the Nakba accelerated & the settler society became a settler state, and time & again against Black and native liberation movements throughout the 50s and 60s. That part has nothing to do with Israel
The US police amped up militarization in the 1960s to the degree that by the early 1970s there were already pop culture representations like the cop show SWAT. That too has nothing to do with Israel and everything to do with US settler colonialism. Shouldn't be in the segment
There is zero linkage between Israeli trainings and US cops murdering Black people. Just as Israeli cops murdering Palestinians cannot be laid at the door of being trained by the US in 'counternarcotics' which also happens.
These police exchanges *are* harmful in many ways like how the connections between high status individuals around colonial violence produces settler solidarity on both ends. Or, especially, in detailing USian state islamophobic violences which is the thrust of Israeli training
I don't fully understand the impetus to lay some US anti-Black violences at Israel's door. A lot of thoughtful people do it but shouldn't. Don't know how harmful it is but ahistorical claims surely cannot help much, especially when we're fighting for #abolition here
And we don't need it to organize against these horrible settler solidarity efforts like police exchanges or US promoting expanded settler rule in Palestine. We can do so much better
What Zoé says
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