since not many people are uneducated on the behind meaning of durags, i will explain it in this thread, please rt to spread awareness.
here is the definition of a durag/dorag taken from google. you’re probably thinking, “it’s just some cap to help create waves, right?” that’s where you’re wrong my friend
so basically, origins of dorags and headscarves have been attributed to african-american women during slavery and 19th-century ethiopian soldiers. the word dorag can be traced back to the US in 1940s/1950s after a rise in the availability of hair products for black people.
so here’s the big question, “should non black people wear durags?” no, they should not. not only is it cultural appropriation, durags are meant for black hair. using hair methods/head scarves meant for black people could potentially damage your hair (esp braids)
durags and other head scarves are very sacred to black people and black culture. hwasa’s backup dancers should have NOT been wearing durags whatsoever. not only do they look stupid, it’s incredibly racist (even if they didn’t intend to be racist)
i just want to clarify that this isn’t ALL the information and background ahout durags and headscarves, but rather basic knowledge!!
if you are interested in wanting to email rbw (hwasas agency), the email is [email protected] (i don’t have a template, sorry)
if you’re still here, please check out this carrd about the junk terror bill 
since not many people are educated** fuck sorry lol
also want to add that i’ve muted this thread, and if you have questions my dms are open, i’m welcome for any discussion
i’ve been reading this back and my wording seems kinda off, where i said “sacred” should be “protective styles” or something along that matter, sorry about that ^^
someone told me to spread this too so here
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