don’t trust any non-black person who complains about how much “attention” the fight for black liberation gets vs the liberation of another oppressed group.
never trust a “racism gets more attention than antisemitism” ass bitch. never trust a “anti-blackness gets more attention than immigration rights” ass bitch. never trust a “y’all were loud about black lives matter but silent about the middle east” ass bitch.
1: black people exists in so many groups, at the intersection of so much oppression: black jews. black immigrants. black lgbt+ people. black people with disabilities. 2: we stay fighting for so many of y’all, but where were y’all during ferguson? quickly.
the fight for black liberation and the right to live a life of dignity and respect includes thr same for many other oppressed groups, because we exist in those groups as well, and when you life up black people — same as when you life up women in general — you lift up all others.
fighting racism, and anti-blackness specifically, requires examining how stacked the game is against people without a built-in advantage, because not only was slavery the blueprint for oppression in america, but we exist within every group that suffers discrimination.
thinking #blacklivesmatter doesn’t have anything to do w/ immigration or the lgbti+ community or gender-based violence + the destructive nature of the military industrial complex (which vanessa guillen was a victim of) shows how y’all don’t view folks as part of those spaces.
and even if none of the above was true, y’all absolutely aren’t going to get black people to join y’all’s fights by not only being violently anti-black in your daily lives, but also insulting our movements in order to lift up your own. no ma’am, pam.
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