the gilmore girls characters political opinions as told by me: a thread

- voted for obama & hillary
- voted for bernie in the primaries
- probably thinks vote blue no matter who

- pro-choice, anti-gun, pro-lgbt rights queen
- voted for bernie in the primaries
- will not be voting on november 3rd bc bernie lost the democrat nom
- organized a blm protest in stars hollow

- democrat but doesnt care about politics
- voted for bernie bc lorelai told him to
- either voting for biden behind lorelais back or not at all

- definitely has a bernie flag in her house
- probably tweets barbz for bernie
- refuses to vote if bernie doesnt win the primaries
- has receipts on why biden isnt good at all times
- fights anyone who isnt a bernie supporter
- helped lorelai organize the protest
emily & richard

- registered republicans but they vote for who they think is best
- emily supports bernie but voted for biden because of richard
- probably pro-life

- doesnt care about politics AT ALL
- has never voted
- only voted for bernie bc lane forced him to

- 100% registered republican
- voted for trump in 2016 and is voting for him again
- gets into arguments with lorelai on why trump is better
- definitely banned protests in stars hollow

- barbz 4 bernie
- is not voting for biden
- fights anyone who doesnt support bernie
- attends climate protests, blm protests
- gay rights & women rights

- his family made him register republican
- voted for biden
- probably asks his followers to donate but doesnt donate himself

- democrat king
- voted for bernie
- attends protests wherever he goes
- believes in defunding the police

- voted for biden
- pro-police but doesnt openly admit it
- meninist
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