thread of fun film twitter questions to answer so your followers can get to know u better!!
1. What is your favorite movie?
2. Who is your favorite actress?
3. What do you think was the best decade for films?
4. Who is your favorite actor?
5. Biggest oscar upset?
6. What movie makes you the most emotional?
7. What is your least favorite movie?
8. What is your favorite trilogy?
9. Favorite book adaptation?
10. Favorite animated film?
11. Ultimate comfort film?
12. Do you have a favorite genre? If so, which one?
13. Least favorite genre?
14. Favorite Documentary?
15. What is the scariest movie you’ve ever seen?
16. Which movie made you get into film?
17. Favorite director?
18. Director that you think is overrated?
19. What do you think is the most important part of a film?
20. Favorite movie score?
21. Favorite movie soundtrack?
22. What is a movie ending that ruined the movie for you?
23. Favorite movie opening?
24. Do you have a favorite movie shot? If so post it!
25. Favorite movie poster?
26. Would you go into the film industry?
27. What is a movie that you think is overrated?
28. What is a movie you think was underrated
29. Was there ever a scene in a movie so disturbing that you couldn’t watch it? If so, what was it?
30. Favorite movie character?
31. Favorite movie duo?
32. What are your thoughts on remaking movies?
33. Have you ever seen a silent film? Do you like them?
34. What was your worst movie theater experience?
35. Have you ever been to a drive in movie? If so, was it fun?
36. Have you ever pirated a movie?
37. Favorite streaming service?
38. What are your thoughts on superhero movies?
39. Do you agree with the Oscars, or do you think they are a scam?
40. Do you turn on subtitles?
41. Favorite movie quote?
42. Do you like watching foreign films?
43. Is there a film that you used to like but you don’t like anymore?
44. Do you watch the trailer before watching the movie?
45. How do you pick out a movie?
46. What movie character is your biggest crush?
47. What’s a movie that everyone hates but that you love?
48. What movie have rewatched the most?
49. What’s a movie that everyone loves but you hate?
50. Are film critics still worth reading?
51. Is cinema dead?
52. Do you enjoy watching 3D movies
53. Favorite musical movie?
54. Have you ever liked a film solely for the people in it?
55. Favorite “stoner” movie?
56. Do you like long movies?
57. What was the last thing you saw in the theater?
58. Last movie you cried at?
59. What movie made you laugh the hardest?
60. Have you ever walked out of a movie or turned one off because it was so bad?
61. Has a movie ever confused you? Which one was it?
62. What is the weirdest movie you’ve ever seen?
63. First movie you remember seeing?
64. Has a movie ever been ruined for you because it was spoiled?
65. Do you separate the art from the artist?
66. What is your ultimate guilty pleasure film?
67. What upcoming movie are you most thrilled to see?
68. Have you ever taken any film classes?
69. Do you usually watch movies alone or with other people?
70. Do you have any merchandise for a film?
71. Favorite a24 film?
72. What is a movie sequel that you would like to see?
73. Approximately how many movies do you think you have seen?
74. Name a movie on your watchlist.
75. What movie do you think everyone needs to see?
76. Have you ever read fanfiction for a film?
77. What movie has changed how you perceive the world?
78. Is there a movie you didn’t like at first, but then when you rewatched it you like it?
79. Do you care about awards season?
80. Have you ever been to a film festival?
81. Which movie character do you relate to the most?
82. Favorite theater experience?
83. Cutest couple in a movie?
84. Favorite LGBTQ+ movie?
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