The final hour before handover in maternity - a cat thread:
The labour ward co-ordinator when a midwife on the antenatal ward calls her about a para 3 who is 8cm and wants to push so needs to be transferred to a labour room NOW:
The ward staff rushing to wheel the labouring woman down the corridor, through the double doors, down the lift, 2 more corridors and onto labour ward:
The first year student midwife who's waited all day for a birth and is willing to stay late so she can finally catch her first baby:
The med student, who's been an aspiring orthopaedic surgeon since age 7, reluctantly tagging along so he can get his 'witnessed births' signed off to complete his obs and gynae rotation:
The labour ward midwife trying to adjust the CTG belts but the woman declines continuous fetal monitoring and wants an epidural NOW:
The anaesthetist, who's had to abandon his fifth coffee of the day, turning up to announce there's no recent blood results on ICE so the epidural will be delayed until there's a valid FBC+G&S.
The midwife after documenting 'Evidence of SROM++ noted'. Evidence being on her uniform.
The new neonatal SHO arriving and hoping he won't be needed:
The obstetrician who hangs around in the staff room in case the emergency buzzer is pulled but secretly wishes the midwives will get there first:
The male infant born at 18:55 who cries spontaneously and is now in skin-to-skin with mum:
The dad asking the midwife for the third time 'how much does the baby weigh?' when the cord is yet to be cut and placenta has to be delivered:
The med student trying to adjust the overhead light without knocking over the sterile suturing trolley:
The new mum enjoying the finest NHS tea and toast:
What the baby sees whilst having his head circumference measured and getting jabbed with Vit K:
The hopeful night staff arriving and expecting to see an empty board (very unlikely) at handover:
The students waiting to get their timesheets singed:
And finally.. the midwife sitting down to start the paperwork, only to find her password has expired and the computer will be installing updates for the next 45 minutes:
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