Ru Paul won’t let trans girls on drag race because they’d win every damn season
this is commentary on the talent trans drag performers have.

We all know Rupaul doesn’t allow them on his platform due to transphobia. He says they’d have an “unfair advantage” but plenty contestants have had ample work done to look more “womanly”.

Let trans women compete.
I didn’t even realize til I started walking in clubs literally half of drag performers are trans women of color!!!

to not allow them share their immense talent on the biggest platform in the world because they’re better performers than gay men is not fair to trans women.

A stint on RPDR basically guarantees six-figure lifestyle if not more. Discluding trans women from that platform is insensitive considering their influence on drag!
and everyone stating the obvious — trans women are women — and implying that you’d have to allow cis woman on too how about no? What in the rule book says you have to allow cis woman too? Give trans female drag performers equally opportunities it’s that simple.
My friend is very close to her goal please donate if you can + SHARE.
Trans women perform drag.

Drag is an avenue to make money performing in queer and queer adjacent communities. Trans woman make up a huge part of the drag community.

To speak about privilege when there are contenstants with designer clothing, expensive prosthetic-
breasts, etc. competing against those with little resource is insulting. This is not about fairness . The playing field has never been level.

Imagine what the visibility of trans woman on RPDR could effectuate in the world? Trans women performing, laughing, existing-
on one of the biggest platforms in the world? Trans women deserve the chance to win RuPauls Drag Race.
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