It has come to my attention that a lot of you are calling this woman a Karen.

This is incorrect.

This woman is what we call a Tammy, allow me to explain.
A Karen will be okay with gay people doing her hair, but doesn't know if they should have children together.

Tammy clearly cuts her own hair so she doesn't get AIDS.
Karen crossed the street because she felt like a black man was following her too closely.

Tammy joined a white supremacist gang in prison.
Karen bought a gun once in college, because she was afraid of intruders, but got rid of it when she had kids.

Tammy will eventually be involved in a Waco or Ruby Ridge type situation.
Karen asks to talk to a manager because the store is really busy the day after Thanksgiving.

Tammy trampled someone to get a PlayStation.
I'm sure you all know your own Tammy, feel free to add your own examples.
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