Hey everyone! I have been working on a (fictional) project for school about a combination between carnival fairs, Twitch and gaming. My idea would be to create a digital app similar to Twitch but 100% focussing on carnival fairs and their experience.
It would be an app where people can chat, connect, view special carnival fair streams and play (carnival) games together (with people on the app, people on the carnival fair and streamers on the carnival fair). + Even possibly a way to create meet-ups for at the carnival fair.
This idea started with me personally, since I experience a great deal of anxiety and I know a lot of people on Twitch do too (+ possible other reasons why being social/outside is difficult) Twitch is a place that gives us a way to still enjoy being social and all that jazz.
So I thought, how cool would it be to create something similar for carnival fairs. These events are always super cool, entertaining and fun. But having anxiety, or any other reason, makes it so that people will actually not go even though they might enjoy it a lot!
And now I need your help. For this project I need to know what people think of this idea. And not only people who experience anxiety or anything else but just in general. What do you think of an app like this and do you think you would enjoy it?
(Btw the type of games you could be thinking of are games like: Pokemon Go and Streamraiders. A combination of being able to play outside and do extra fun things but also play from home and possibly also help people who are outside or streaming it.)
You can follow @callmelizz7.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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