We need to address how the QAnon conspiracy theory is baseless, dumb, dangerous—and importantly: It's specifically and virulently anti-Semitic.

Of course it comes under Trump, who embodies all these things. A thread:
His election is the nadir of decades of misinformation, white victimhood, racist structures, and dismantling of education. While we can no longer agree as a people on science and facts, aggrieved whites can always agree on racism and anti-Semitism. https://twitter.com/TheWeek/status/1260923685822660608
Anti-Semitism IS racism, despite most American Jews being white. We aren't considered white by these folks, and they believe in white and Christian supremacy.

Evangelical Christianity has become a race and death cult and fully merged with the GOP. https://newrepublic.com/article/157505/morbid-ideology-behind-drive-reopen-america
Without racial division and superiority, white evangelicals have no identity. They fused during the civil rights era; to them, a Christian is superior and whiteness is both American and Christian. They can't fathom racial justice without conceding religious pluralism.
Back to Q. QAnon is the paranoid fabrication that a cabal of Jews secretly control the world. Sound familiar? It's been used for every genocide of Jews from the Christian period on. Germany. Spain. The black plague. In virtually every European country. And now, America.
In fact, the word "cabal" comes from Kabbalah, Jewish mysticism in the middle ages. The word used by conspiracy theorists is itself a reference to anti-Semitism and the idea that Jews are surreptitious overlords. (Aside: a certain transphobic kids author used Goblins as bankers)
Before you say there hasn't been a Jewish genocide in America: they're planning one, because they always are. The blueprint is there. Pittsburgh, Poway, Jersey City, and dozens of isolated incidents highlight it is building. Charlottesville had this insanity on open display.
How's is Q explicitly anti-Semitic? It's the conspiracy theory that there's a "deep state".

Deep State means Jews. They claim it means Democrats and name Clinton and Obama, not jews—but "deep state" only means Jews, those who support Jews, or whom liberal Jews support.
Soros is a Jewish billionaire. Next time you hear his name casually mentioned about paying for protests or otherwise manipulating government, Hollywood, or politics, know what you're hearing.

They're saying Jews control everything. It's absurd, ancient, and it's deadly.
It's already proven dangerous; pizzagate resulted in a lone wolf shooting of the supposed child sex ring. Famously it doesn't have a basement, but the conspiracy that there's a Jewish sex ring in it stands.

There's a long history of this. https://twitter.com/jysexton/status/1251881334697590785
Jews have been accused of kidnapping and ritually sacrificing children since Christianity gained prominence. It's called the "blood libel" and its tragic irony is that it led to countless thousands of actual children being murdered.

Jewish children, and their families.
Violently suppressing Judaism is Christianity's original sin, and the fact we're dealing with this still is testament to the power of lies in painting otherness.

It happens to be the same slander against black men, that they prey on white women and children. All are lies.
So if you're wondering why Jews should care about black lives and BLM, that's one (of many) outstanding reasons.

They lie about black people to justify oppression and murder. This and many lies are why we have overpolicing and police violence. https://nymag.com/strategist/article/best-books-police-brutality.html
And our police seem especially susceptible to racism, violent fantasies, and conspiracy theories because of their history, formation, and militarization.

Seeing the VP casually engage with a man wearing a Q patch is horrific and Trump increasingly retweets Q nonsense.
Q talks of the coming storm. That means war. In particular it's a race war, which really is a proxy for killing political opponents.

It's a second civil war they want, and they think the pandemic is helping them. https://amp.theatlantic.com/amp/article/610567/
So again if you're wondering how this year's swirling mess is connected; evangelicals, pandemic, election year, and now mass protests for protecting our vulnerable populations:

Trump has fully embraced Q and it's part of why he isn't responding to mass death from COVID.
The coronavirus hit the metros first, and the big cities are largely Democrats and people of color.

They could sit back and do nothing and let it do its work.

This is in the international definition of genocide. https://twitter.com/jysexton/status/1248967259839660032
Now it's shifted to many red states and yet the population and many leaders respond the same.

Hence a death cult. They don't care who dies; God will protect the flock. Evangelicalism, QAnonsense, racism, anti-Semitism and anti-science collide. https://amp.theatlantic.com/amp/article/613645/
We must also speak out. Misinformation is one thing, but unhinged conspiracy theories and violent fantasies are quite another.

If someone you know talks about Deep State or Soros, you must call them out. We've been here before. It's life or death. https://twitter.com/teri_kanefield/status/1262448831137865728
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