last year one of my cousins threw a party for his company and i went with my grandma, and the emcee was my cousin’s uncle whos a semi famous comedian who’s bestfriends with v*ce g*nda and thats just a known fact, whenever my parents see him on tv theyre like “oh hey its *” and
he’s just really close with my side of the family. anyway, i was on my phone and i heard a gasp and felt someone hug my grandma and i looked up and gasped too and i was halfway through standing up to hug/beso because i was expecting that he knew me (bc everyone treated him like
family so i just assumed that he did???) but all he did was turn to me for a sec and went back to catching up with my grandma while i awkwardly sat there and watched them. then after the program i went outside to call my dad and his crew was there and they just stared at me like
i was approaching them for an autograph???? there is no point to this thread except that sometimes i suddenly remember this happening and feel embarrassed all over again, like right now
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