i keep on seeing filipino mutuals saying that they have to delete their tweets about the Junk Terror Bill, so here is information that will not get deleted as i am not fillipino:
the philippines government is on the verge of enacting a counterterrorism law that will eliminate critical legal protections and permit government overreach against groups and individuals labeled terrorists.
the draft anti-terrorism act of 2020 passed both the house of representatives and the senate, and president rodrigo duterte is expected to quickly sign the bill into law.
the law uses a broad definition of terrorism that can subject suspects, apprehended without a warrant, to weeks of detention prior to an appearance before a judge. this definition is so broad that anyone can be labeled a terrorist. this includes saying anything bad abt the gov.
the draft law also makes it a criminal offense to “incite others” to commit terrorism “by means of speeches, proclamations, writings, emblems, banners or other representations tending to the same end.” this includes the usage of social media.
this shows how broad the term is and how it is a severe human rights violation:
this bill violates not only the constitution, but human rights themselves.
senators who voted yes:
how to help:
the reason why it NEEDS to be vetoed
this will laspe into law in 8 days and it needs to be spread NOW.
donations: https://twitter.com/kaninrice/status/1267219775148773377
also my apologies in the first tweet for spelling filipino wrong the second time****
***i have heard from some on twitter that this has been compromised. also i am aware that petitions like these cannot help that much in these areas, but here is the petition: http://chng.it/TgrsLShL 
also, i would like to clear that i live in the united states.
i am muting this but my dms are open if you would like me to add anything more. i hope you all can stay safe during this very dark time.
added resources WITH petitions: https://twitter.com/telltaeils/status/1278674642639761408?s=21 https://twitter.com/telltaeils/status/1278674642639761408
another good thread: https://twitter.com/yellxwlou/status/1278349843799384065?s=21 https://twitter.com/yellxwlou/status/1278349843799384065
he signed the bill into law. there is still 15 days of processing. SIGN THE EMAILS. JOIN THE PROTEST, THE PHILLIPINES NEEDS EVERY SINGLE BIT OF HELP. ACTIVISM ISNT TERRORISM https://twitter.com/cnnphilippines/status/1278991810057039872?s=21 https://twitter.com/cnnphilippines/status/1278991810057039872
as he has signed, if you live in the phillipines here is what is safe and what isn’t:
the email protest is still as important as ever, even more so. PLEASE click the google doc link and send emails. human rights are being infringed.
if you are filo here are ways to communicate as well: https://twitter.com/coffeemlkyoongi/status/1279004240719970304?s=21 https://twitter.com/coffeemlkyoongi/status/1279004240719970304
another good thread to look at: https://twitter.com/telltaeils/status/1279148890558812166?s=21 https://twitter.com/telltaeils/status/1279148890558812166
11 activists have been illegally detained in the philippines because they were protesting against the anti terror law which duterte signed. it still has 14 days before the law takes effect but they were already able to abuse their power. please don’t just rt, SEND THE EMAILS.
want to help more? here are some great ways to do so: https://twitter.com/lousrare/status/1278241679418355719?s=21 https://twitter.com/armsoficarus/status/1278241679418355719
to all filos, PLEASE stay safe https://twitter.com/rainonmechlmt/status/1279585405491228672?s=21 https://twitter.com/RAINONMECHLMT/status/1279585405491228672
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