a lot of the content we consume for free is laced with adverts. so far, out of 750+ hours of broadcasting we’ve had 10mins of advertising. we in fact pay to entertain the masses with no return, which is why we had the donation links set up https://twitter.com/jerezion_/status/1278403049334157312
commercial radio is propped by bare adverts. community radio is generally propped up by donors, grants and other business models (brand partnerships etc)
we have been doing this ting authentically from the jump; from what we’ve done with Recess to where we are now with NS, it’s something we pride ourselves in
a couple convos were had about investment but we opted against it at this stage of the NS journey. we want to maintain control of the ship whilst we are a burgeoning brand
we are here to serve our community. that’s always been da move, which is why came to our community to help build something for the community. we always talk about black culture being owned by black peope and here we are
i’d just like to clarify that this ting isn’t lucrative at all. however it’s highly important that we have this in our community. because i’m tired of the ppldem being shoe horned in mainstream media. it’s cap
i’ve seen a number tweets saying that we are asking for too much. it’s a shame cos we’ve outlined what exactly we’re using the money for: to rent a space, build a studio and to also pay for 14 members of staff. atm we have 45 people working for free, all from our cribs
i’ve also seen tweets thinking that we are asking for £450k to build a studio for #NS10v10 lol. 6 hours of out a weekly 115 hours of broadcasts, that’d be unwise. we have bare shows
aaand i’ve also seen tweets alluding that we are caked off looll. the only partnership we are currently in is an editorial one, not a commerical one.
i’m not here to say “you owe us!!!”, i’m here to say “we all need this”. because if we pattern this, we are adding a brick to the foundation of Black British media. it’s not enough to just vocalise the need of ownership on social media. we need to DO
right now, investing in a community radio station would be unwise. that would turn us into a commercial entity and we wanna crawl before we ball.
i understand the apprehension to the sum of money: some have been scorned by our conduct with/on 10v10, i understand that and we have learnt the hard way. we will always hold ourselves accountable for any shortcomings
i also understand that there’s a distrust towards giving an entity that much money. we are 100% transparent, as outlined in the copy of the fundraiser.
we take a lot the free content we consume for granted and that’s a different convo to have. but this ain’t just about content, this is about building infrastructure. this ain’t for today, it’s for generations to come
i ain’t here for momentary gratification. in fact the past two months has been joy mixed with pain but i know the end result will be beautiful.
we will reach the goal. however we reach, we won’t sell out. we only do things on our terms
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