Speaking of #representation in the #writersroom. A short thread: Started watching #LittleFiresEverywhere . It’s great so far, but what’s been bumping for me, is the amount of times Mia tells her daughter she loves her. Especially for a period piece.
In my experience and that of many Black people I’ve encountered in my travels, #HowBlackMothersSayILoveYou, is usually not by actually saying “I love you”. ( @treyanthony even wrote a whole play around this)
Not saying some Black ppl don’t grow up in I love you houses cause I know one (lol), but again, in my experience it’s not that common.
I know the book was also not written by a Black woman. I wonder if this discussion ever came up. #amplifyblackvoices #HireBlackWriters #Startwith8Hollywood #StartWith8HollywoodNorth
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