A lot of horrific things are going down in Ethiopia as we speak. This has been happening to Oromo people for generations and the least I can do is spread awareness with the tiny platform I have so if you could pls rt and sign the petitions in this thread this would mean a lot thx
Protest have broken out through Ethiopia and the governments response is to SHUT DOWN the internet for millions so we have no access to gather information on what’s happening at the moment pls share and sign this help spread awareness http://chng.it/NpyPBGPhnp 
Also two AMERICAN CITIZENS have been captured along side many other activists in Ethiopia and are most likely being taken to prison to be tortured/ killed in the picture below is shows ways on how to contact Washington officials to help spread awareness and to take actions
For those who are not fully aware about the whole situation and want to learn more and spread awareness to others here’s a link to some books, articles, and videos credit to @/ oromoalby and others for putting this together

I will be adding on to this thread along the way as i get more info also comment down below if you have any i can add to this thread

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