Why the Equal Rights Amendment should never pass: A short history and thread!
On March 22, 1972, the ERA passes in the United States Senate.
March 22, 1979, 7 years later, becomes the deadline for the ERA to be ratified by at least 35 states.
Even though 35 states ratify the ERA by then, 5 states (Idaho, Nebraska, Tennessee, Kentucky, and South Dakota) revoke their ratification before the deadline.
Now, only 31 states have ratified the ERA. As a result, it does not become an official constitutional amendment.
But why didn't it pass? You may be wondering.
Ensuring that women will not be discriminated against is a good thing, right?
Simply put, it's not.
However many feminist books you've read, gender and sexuality classes you've taken, nothing can convince me that women's equality is more important than tradition.
Over the past 100 years, liberals have brainwashed society into thinking that women are better than men. This brainwashing occurs mainly at college campuses and through the biased media.
People who agree with this mentality are dangerous.
Pro-abortion activists, the liberal media, Communists, Antifa! They all subscribe to this idea that women should have hobbies outside of the home, jobs, leadership positions, all of which prevent them from filling the traditional women's role.
In 2020, we are still fighting the war against feminism. And to my fellow warriors, I have 3 words:
Never. Give. Up.
God bless and remember that, as women, we exist to serve the men in our lives.
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