1)On Sept. 26,2016 FBI obtained a search warrant for Anthony Weiner's iPhone,iPad& laptop

This search warrant was related to crimes of the sexual abuse of children&child pornography

What they found was shocking

This will be resurfacing soon so here is a little recap
2) Found on Weiner's Iaptop were 340,000 emaiIs

Among the .com domain email addresses were:


HiIIary deleted 33,000 emaiIs

Could they have been on Weiner's laptop?

Afterall, he was married to Hillary's top aid, Huma
3)According to NYPD sources, there was much more found on the Iaptop. Info that showed criminal acts of:

Money laundering
Child exploitation
Sex crimes with minors
Pay to play through Clinton Foundation
Obstruction of justice
Other felony crimes

This was getting worse.
4) This gross criminal activity included not just Huma and hubby Weiner, but Hillary herself, plus other aides and insiders — even members of Congress.

The info was so shocking that it was immediately sent up the chain of command to the NY FBI Office

This was a big deal.
5)Inside NYPD sources claim Deputy Chief Steven Silks was the person involved in handing over the laptop to the FBI

The NYPD chief's statement on this?

“What’s in the emails is staggering&as a father, it turned my stomach.There is not going to be any Houdini-like escape..(cont)
6)....from what we found.We have copies of everything.We will ship them to Wikileaks or I will personally hold my own press conference if it comes to that.”

Chief Steven Silks was found shot dead in his car by "suicide" months before his retirement.
7) 24 hrs after Deputy Steven Silks death, another NYPD officer who was involved in the Weiner laptop case, Det. Joseph Calabrese, was found dead ... death by suicide as well.

CIint0n Body Bag Count anyone?

What are we up to? I lost count.
8) This info spread quick b/c Comey's agenda on Oct 4 showed that he had a meeting scheduled w/ the Asst Director of FBI’s Counterintelligence Division, Randy Coleman from 9-9:30 a.m.

Apparently Comey never showed up.

However, records show his notes that day saying ....(cont)
9) ....

(1) Anthony Wiener [sic]
(2) [Unrelated]
(3) Wiener [sic] – texting 15 yo – Sexually Explicit
9/26 – Federal SW – IPhone/IPAD/Laptop
Initial analysis of laptop – thousands emails
Hillary Clinton & Foundation
Crime Against Children
10)On Oct 12, 2016, the NY FBI office reported to Peter Strzok &Andrew McCabe that they had found evidence pertaining to the Hillary Clinton email case

36 HRS LATER, Strzok's wife,Mellisa Hodgman, was promoted to Associate Director in the SEC’s Enforcement Division

Wait, what?
11)This promotion to the powerful position in the SEC gave Mellisa Hodgman oversight of financial crime cases.

Enter Clinton Foundation

The FBI knew there were thousands of documents on the laptop related to the Clinton Foundation, including offshore financial records.
12)To protect the white-collar crime side of things, the rush began to get an insurance policy in place at the SEC

With wife at the SEC and hubby at the FBI they planned to keep dear ole HiIIary protected

Anyhoo ... back to Weiner..
13) Weiner did serve time for his perverted crimes w/ a 15yr old

Huma filled for divorce but then retracted it

They have been spotted together in public a few times, last time being early 2020

Rumor is they both made a plea deal w/ authorities

Besides that they are a mystery
14) Why did HiIIary delete her emails?She had something to hide

Why was Strzok's wife promoted? They had something to hide

Why was Weiner's laptop confiscated? He had something to hide

What was everyone hiding?

Money laundering
Rape of kids
Human trafficking
Money laundering
15) This laptop contains a treasure trove of secrets that will bring many prominent people to their knees

It takes time. It must be done just right. One mistake and it can all be thrown out.

But it will ALL come out. Soon.

In the meantime...

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