Why calling this "desi ca" misses the point and is often harmful to actual South Asians: A THREAD
- pls rt, especially if you're not desi and haven't researched South Asia before
- read the WHOLE thread before commenting. Racists will be blocked.
- most of my citations come from South India, if you're desi and have other sources, pls drop them below
1) Desi is a catch all term for Indians, Pakistanis, Bangladeshis and Sri Lankans. This term is generally used in reference to a) stereotypes against us and b) instances of cultural exchange. However, a basic google search will show there is no such thing as a "desi culture"
2) Culture, as understood in South Asia is not just ur heritage or dress, its a catch all for way of life influenced by ethnicity, religion, historical traditions, migration history, POLITICAL HISTORY, caste and can permeate aspects of social life eg: job mobility & marriage
3) Because of this, culture can be SIGNIFICANT (e.g represents a huge historical heritage, like the preservation of lang, cultural dress) and EXCLUSIONARY (i.e, only for members of that culture to partake in, often for religious reasons)
4) Heres an example of this distinction from my own state

Buying govt approved handicrafts, supporting Keralas heritage: ✅✌❤😊

Participating or disrespecting a religious dance like Kathakali: ❌😖🙅‍♀️🙅‍♀️🙅‍♀️🙅‍♀️
Jewellry can ABSOLUTELY be exclusionary in desi cultures, meaning that NO ONE but that culture is allowed to wear it. An obvious example is the Sikh Kara bracelet which holds deep significant for Sikh ppl, and is a religious symbol NOT a fashion accessory
In regards to styles like this, ppl usually make one of two arguments:
- it IS exclusionary bc ALL desi ppl hold this in special regard and has religious connotations
- i think its being used exploitatively/represents a harmful image of South Asia
The exclusionary arg doesnt hold up with .5 seconds of research. Not all desi ceremonies involve religious/sacred jewellry (ex below) and if they do ITS SPECIFIC PIECES OF ANCESTRAL AUSPICIOUS JEWELLRY NOT A WISH HEADPIECE. You are implying desi ppl are a monolith which we arent!
This isnt even getting into the fact that these styles are worn all around the world, like Lisa's Thai necklace, and you're disrespecting the work and craftsmenship that goes into traditional jewllery. No culture has a claim on jewellry, no matter what stan twt tells u
(Also, pls stop implying that all the jewellery that comes out of South Asia looks the same, even Indian wedding jewellry is widely different)
NOW ONTO THE ACTUALLY RELEVANT ARGUMENT which is that even if these styles are *technically* okay to wear, idols are still doing it in a harmful/exploitative way. This, i think its the ACTUAL crux of the issue
Since I've already explained how complex and important culture is, it shouldn't come as a surprise that erasure of culture, including state sponsored cultural gen*cide, is an ongoing issue all over South Asia, and is tied to human rights abuses and political disenfranchisement
I want to emphasise this over and over again: our cultures are not simply a cool style or a heritage. To deny people access, misrepresent it, cut us off from cultural resources, etc is to deny people our humanity. People have marched simply to recognise their language
Instead of fixating on jewellery, lets talk about the fact that South Asia is ONLY used an aesthetic for sexualised, aggressive concepts and conflated as a monolith. Lets talk about how South Asians are racialised to be aggressive, primitive and loud
Lets talk about the fact that South Asia has made significant, immense contributions to arts and music, yet the kpop artists wont even mention obvious Bollywood influences in their songs. South Asians are seen as exotic props. Our cultures are never engaged with seriously
This "South Asians are wacky and exotic and all the same" stereotype didnt come from nowhere btw. Colonialist came up with it to justify exploitation Heres an article on how the first photographs of Indians were used for this purpose
If youre non desi person, pls take a moment and think of harmful ideas about South Asia. Think about how you might have been encouraged to laugh at a Bollywood meme but know nothing about the livelihoods of actual desi ppl. This is systemic. Bigger than just jewellery
When the BP issue came out, ppl tagged a far right Hindu state sponsored terrorist org as a "joke". This org lynches minorities for marrying Hindus, forcefully converts ppl and attacks religious sites. This is a direct rep of how dangerous it is to even imply desi = all the same
Resources on jewellery linked down below 👇👇👇
(Also also pls stop calling this shit "desi ca" when its just blatant racism and disrespect. This not only minimises the actual harm of these actions, but also shows how little you actually know of the cultures here)
Here's an overview of some of the traditional bridal styles in India. Notice the diversity in craftsmenship and how usage differs from ceremony to ceremony
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