Why wearing a mask isn't going to protect you, or anyone else, from coronavirus: it's spread through poop.

A thread.

Researchers have known since the end of February that the whole, live, coronavirus SARS-coV-2 is found in feces.

This is not PCR testing a nasal swab and finding little RNA sequences.

This is the whole damn virus.

On June 19th the Italian National Institute for Health announced that SARS-coV-2 has been in Italy since December 18.

How do this know this? They tested poop. They went to the sewage samples and found the exact date that it appeared.


In fact, Spain has announced low, but positive, levels of SARS-coV-2 in their sewage samples from March 12, 2019.

They all know it's in the poop, but how do you get the whole world to rally around poop? You don't. It's too easy to avoid others' poop.

How did coronavirus hit Wuhan, China, so hard, but not Singapore or Hong Kong?

Only people who have never been to these countries wonder this.

Hong Kong had "disinfected hourly" signs posted on public high-touch areas (subway and ferry pass kiosks) for YEARS before COVID.

All of these cities have crowded public transportation, just like the city that got hit the hardest in the US: New York City.

But NYC's subway is disgusting.

Singapore was already "Asia's cleanest city." Spit in public and you risk getting lashes.


In Hong Kong, Chinese tourists are notorious for allowing their kids to poop and pee literally wherever they please.

On the floor of an indoor mall. In front of everyone at Hong Kong Disney when a bathroom is a few yards away.

See the difference?

We also have US public health officials saying they'll remove SARS-coV-2 positive family members from the home if there is only one bathroom to share with others.

This is how you know that they know it's spread through poop.

Watch at 2:40.

The media and the CDC don't want you reading about coronavirus infections starting in the gut, but the numbers are undeniable.


Remember when it was revealed that 66% of New Yorkers who were so sickened by coronavirus that they were admitted to the hospital were at home on lockdown, not essential workers?


How many times have you heard of someone who "only left the house to go to the grocery store" yet they came down with COVID anyway? 🤢


What are we doing with the masks? We're putting everything our hands touch (including poop spread by others) on the outside of our masks. Touching and shifting it around constantly, then putting it to bake at 120 degrees in our car's cupholder, then putting it back on our faces.
Why do you think the CDC is going along with this "face covering" nonsense, where people are wearing bandanas and silk scarves to comply with the law?

Because they know it isn't really spread through laughing, talking, singing.

The CDC finally has the fear and control they've desperately wanted for decades, so if it takes a paper mask to make US citizens turn on one another, then so be it.

Calling your friend and neighbor an "anti-masker" keeps the CDC and the media very happy. Divide and conquer.
Would you wear a mask to protect yourself from polio? Hep A? Typhoid? Rotavirus?

No. You'd wash your hands with soap and warm water.

So do that.

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