Oh dear...

Dear XR. I am you. Got myself arrested for the cause last October by occupying the roof of a G4S lorry. I then refused to cooperate at the station and spent 3 nights in cells as a result.

This is flatly wrong misogynistic slander that damages the movement. (1/?) https://twitter.com/XRebellionUK/status/1276821725255045120
Firstly. "TERF" is an inaccurate hateful slur used to denigrate women and advance 1 narrow ideological view. For an excellent and recent explanation of this see:
Moving on: sex exists, that's an objective fact and no it's not *at all* vague or tricky to understand.

Owing to this; sexism exists, as do various practical and political challenges that effect the two sexes differently. It is not possible to act on those challenges... (3/?)
... if we do not firstly see sex for what it is, and allow that people *will* need to organise and do advocacy work along the axis of sex.
I would really like to know:

Precisely WHERE THE FUCK have you aquired the brass neck necessary to unilaterally declare that ALL the female humans who would like to advocate for themselves on the basis of their sex are therefore evil?

How on earth is that "tolerant"? (5/?)
Simply disagreeing with another humans perception of their self, or their conceptual categories, is NOT hateful. The same exact dynamic is at play between the Christian, the Jew, the Muslim, the Atheist and the Buddhist for example.

As with the inter-faith actions and meetings XR should be working towards a genuinely inclusive "gender secularism" that robustly lives up to the principle of accepting every part of everyone without creating a heirarchy and throwing women under the bus in the process. (7/?)
There are a wide range of views within and without the trans community about how best to proceed and on what would be fair. Pandering to this one loud totalitarian element within that spread is absolutely the wrong move both ethically and strategically.... (8/?)
Ethically: because you commit transphobia by ignoring heterodox trans voices, misogyny by ignoring women, and perpetuate a dynamic in which whoever can *claim* the biggest grievance gets permanent use of the talking stick. (Hint: sharp elbows and a big ego are not...(9/?)
... the true marks of a downtrodden soul)

Strategically: because outside of a hyper- woke bubble NOBODY believes TWAW / TMAM etc. We have a hard enough time convincing the general public that climate change is real, and that's an irrefutable fact backed up by hard data. (10/?)
By all means take the stance...

"Some people believe TWAW/TMAM and they are welcome in the movement"

... quite rightly so, but you cannot tack on...

"Disagreeing with these people is bigotry!"

.. and even pretend to be neutral / tolerant / progressive.
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