I've heard people complain about the GOP. They say the GOP is weak, not committed to the principles the grassroots want, don't fight against Democrats enough.

All true.

So they want to not vote GOP.

I think that's a mistake.
Everyone has to follow their own conscience, so I'm not going to *blame* anyone for refusing to vote GOP anymore.

But I am going to try to persuade everyone they should.
Voting is a very inefficient way to express your opinion.

A candidate has a whole platform of promises. Your vote doesn't come with boxes to check for which ones you support. You vote for him or against him. Then you lose any power until re-election.
That's the nature of the system.
The Left is based on enforced consensus. They come to decisions by virtual signaling and competing for moral superiority. Once the group decides, everyone falls in line. Dissent is crushed, sometimes literally.
The right is all about individuality: Individual rights, individual agency, individual views.
As a result, we're fractious.
One of the results of this is that Democrats, the Left, and even most of the moderates will vote for a Democrat as default, and will only consider voting something else if the candidate has zero positives to that voter.
In contrast, GOP candidates often get rejected for single issues. A candidate may be 90% of what the voter wants, but that 10% is disqualifying.
Nothing ever seems to disqualify Democrat candidates, until they are actually harming the Democrat cause.
Ever get in argument with a Leftist? All they try to do is tear down your views. All they do is repeat the things they hate about GOP politicians.
Had a guy who said Trump was a horrible leader, incompetent, senile. Made several tweets about how Biden was so much better, would fix all the problems.

I countered with 2-3 videos of Biden being senile.

His response was: I agree, we shouldn't vote for ANY senile old men.
And then he went right back to slamming Trump for imagined shortcomings and promoting Biden as the solution.
He wasn't debating in good faith about the positives and negatives of candidates.
He was willing to say whatever he could, agree to anything he had to, to reduce my support for Trump.
Voting is a zero sum game.
You vote for your candidate, or you vote for their candidate, or you don't vote for a viable candidate.

That 3rd solution is fine with the Left. One less vote for Trump or a GOP Congress is one less vote they have to manufacture through fraud.
Yes, the GOP is often faithless.
Yes, there are few GOP officials with a spine.

It's still better than the alternative.
Because at times, in places, we manage to elect a guy that *does* have a spine.
Dave Brat defeated Eric Cantor.

The downside was that Democrats then targeted that district to defeat Brat, and we lost a warrior.

Democrats did everything they could to defeat Allen B. West, and succeeded there, too.
The "a Pox on Both Their Houses" helps Democrats to defeat these politicians who actually fight for us.

These "I can't support the jelly-spined GOP" voters actually make it easier for the Dems to convince the GOP to be RINOs, or else get targeted like Brat and West.
Some people say: okay, let Dems win, they'll ruin things, and then there will be a preference cascade back to the Right.

That might have been true before, but Dems are doing everything they can to eliminate conservative input into the political process.
They want to eliminate the Electoral College. They want to impose the National Popular Vote. They want to make Senate seats proportional.
If you don't think it can happen, look at the anti-Constitutional rulings from the Supreme Court lately. Look at the *blatant* ignoring of laws in favor of rioters lately, with no pushback.
Look at the COVID pretext that lets Dems oppress Christians and ruin the economy.
This is what the Left is doing when the GOP has POTUS and holds the Senate.

Do you think they'll stop if they get control of POTUS and both houses, or do you think they'll ramp up their efforts to destroy our institutions and make sure they never lose power again?
Is mainland China closer or farther from freedom than they were on 3 June 1989?

Is Hong Kong closer or farther from freedom than they were in December of 1998?

Is Russia any more democratic with the fall of the Soviet Union?

The Left NEVER lets go.
But here's the hope:
1) Leftists are immature adolescents. They have to win. If they don't, they get discouraged easily. They lack discipline, and they lack personal courage (mob courage is different)
If, after all this, they lose in November, they will lose a bunch of troops.
2) It's going to take years for the GOP makeover of the courts to have an impact, but that impact is coming. We've already seen some successes.
3) Trump has been fighting against the entire federal bureaucracy opposing him. If he gets re-elected, he gets more room to maneuver, because he won't be facing re-election. And because the Left will be discouraged.
He'll need a GOP Congress to do some things, like depopulate DC.
And most importantly:
4) The only way we can fix the GOP is if the GOP is clearly and unambiguously the majority power. If the GOP is clearly in power, then primary challenges from libertarians and grassroots activists like Dave Brat have more power.
I'm not sure what the best term is, but I call it *shaping* GOP behavior.
Or like the Buckley rule: vote for the most conservative candidate in every race. Keep doing it, and if everyone does it, the candidates will continue to move rightward.
But that means supporting the GOP in most cases.
And here's what you should demand of every GOP politician:
"The GOP needs to become the party of Small Business.

Favor Small Business over large corporations at every opportunity. Craft legislation that helps small businesses succeed and compete with large corporations."
Call your politician and tell them this.
Email your politician and tell them this.
Write your politician and tell them this.
Any interaction you have with the GOP on any level, tell them this.
Small Business is the true American Dream. The more Small Businesses there are, the more prosperous and conservative the nation will be.

I guarantee it.
Why I'm making this argument now: https://twitter.com/Gitabushi/status/1278326785113980934
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