There will continue to be variance of sex, marriage and relationships because the world doesn't care about the principles on which God made them to exist. It really shouldn't shock you. The world is wilding out in various ways 😅
A lot of people are open to so many things because they have nothing guiding their desires or influencing their decisions. Emotions and desires are King and boundless to the natural man, hence the tendency to do whatever He wants. The urge to satisfy every desire of the flesh.
Guard your heart to watch that the taste of the world isn't seen in your heart. A lot of times, some Believers blur the lines for their own pleasure. It is seen a lot with relationships, you want the world's spec with a sprinkle or layer of God in it.
You want a 'bad bitch' that can pray and preach a lot so you say Christian Sisters have no game. You want dangerous looking and life of the party guy with a Nathaniel Brassey twist to it, so you say Christian boys have no game.

If the 'game' is of the world, it's check yourself.
Ask yourself what matters and go for it. Maximise what matters with what you 'desire' without negotiating what matters. Attraction can be very fleshy, and once you crown those desires with "this is my spec", you might just be egun gun-ing in the wrong direction - you will be...
There's a better way to even take it. Let your desire submit to the things that really matter and you will have a better chance of making an outright good decision. Know the heart of your partner/lover, this is good indication of what the person can or can't do. Be wise!
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