1/ After a morning of heart tests the saying ""if all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail" springs to mind.

I get a respiratory illness (Covid) and coincidentally have shortness of breath and broad chest pains when walking up hills...
2/ so a senior nurse concludes Angina and prescribes aspirin, beta blockers, cholesterol meds, and a spray.

Forget the lung burn, problems breathing.

I am having trouble buying into this diagnosis.
3/ But a CT scan also requested which will pick up lung problems.

Problem: even CT's requested in March have still not occurred. So waits will be very long.

I have corporate private health cover so hopefully can get a test sooner that way.
6/ Tachycardia and arrythmia are both symptoms reported by long term covid sufferers. They are also symptoms reported at an acute/early stage of the condition.

Myocarditis causes both the above as well as chest pain, and dyspnea (shortness of breath). https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/myocarditis/symptoms-causes/syc-20352539
7/ Myocarditis also introduces a limit on exercise capacity.

8/ Before covid I was pretty healthy. Not elite athlete level but I used to swim 80+ lengths every week, ski off piste, surf, cycle, long walks every day etc.

Then covid hits me like a truck and I can't walk up a steep hill without chest pain and shortness of breath.
9/ The causality of the angina diagnosis is:

Relatively healthy person suddenly gets severe chest pain because during first 10 days of the illness you were inactive (I wasn't completely inactive at any stage BTW - I had to look after my family - wife (in bed), kids who were ill)
10/ So the theory is I have a comorbodity: an artery which is already almost blocked (arterosclerosis) and then I chill for a few days with covid, and bang, now I can't walk up a hill because I got unfit while being ill.
11/ The nurse said she had seen this in those with chest infections: it was the inactivity of being ill which caused angina to surface in these patients.
12/ But (to me - and I realise I am self-diagnosing and flying blind other than being on the receiving end of all symptoms), viral myocarditis fits better with what I have experienced: which is like hitting a wall in terms of fitness.
13/My ability to exercise plummeted like an airline stock but over time I'm recovering: I'm playing tennis most days (running for the ball now). 3 hour walk with a backpack full of water and food on Sunday.
14/ Three hour cycle ride (mostly flat) on Friday. Got out of the saddle and sprinted a hill at the end.

Last week I carried a heavy oak cupboard (in pieces) up the stairs. I changed wheel bearings on my car (extremely physical).
15/ It feels to me more like something which is getting better rather than a condition like Angina. I mean angina's so serious you have to inform your car insurer you have it.
16/ I didn't ever get tachycardia or arrhythmia and if it was or is myocarditis then the ECG will not even show it up once recovered - and recoveries can be weeks or months from viral myocarditis.
17/ Final note on this is that autopsies of MERS and SARS 1 patients revealed myocarditis in some cases. The heart muscle has ACE2 receptors on it giving the virus a way in.
18/ I'll update this thread if/when I get the CT scan done or more test results and opinion from medical professionals. Overall I am positive on my health and believe I am still recovering though I still have lung symptoms (productive phlegm, burn). (Got CV March 16th)
19/ Evidence of myocarditis in CV patients not even experiencing chest pain https://twitter.com/dasvee/status/1288000116054544385
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