I'm not one to get offended, but the online left's reaction/ nonreaction to the CHAZ execution has shaken me to my core. I've never felt this disgusted by the right, even when /pol/ anons were being glib about some atrocity, at least I could assure myself that they were just 1/
4chan dickheads being extreme because of board culture. But now, I can go to see what people i used to follow, people i used to know on here, are saying, and more importantly, what they're not saying. What they're not calling for; an explanation, identification of the 2/
shooters, "accountability". They really don't give a single fuck about principles, and it's not even a matter of strategy, just ideological discipline. You are not to pull this thread, question this incident. What's more, it doesn't event seem like any of them have any 3/
interest at all in asking any questions, bearing witness at all. It's beyond disgusting. 4/4
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