I definitely worded my tweet super incorrectly and it came off super fucking rude and I didn’t mean for it to. I should’ve clarified what I was talking about and I’m sorry if I made anyone feel invalid.
Most likely this is going to come off rude but as a bi woman in my society I personally don’t feel like coming out was hard in comparison to my friends who are gay and what triggered this opinion that I rudely tweeted (I’m sorry) was a girl I know who is bi and hasn’t had any
adversity after coming out, make a big deal about the struggles of coming out as bi, to my gay friend who was severely outed and bullied and struggled when he came out and it honestly made me mad that she compared her situation to his. So I’m sorry that I tweeted something
Really insensitive without thinking of the bigger picture and generalizing bi people because it’s def not the same for everyone when they come out. I definitely should’ve worded it differently and thought more before speaking.
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